My Story
The dots always connect
I am going to take you through the journey of How I created the Being Positive Soul 3 years ago.
Many people here ask me “when” did I get into Law of Attraction Coaching and “how” I am able to get such great results for my students.
Well, it is a long story that goes back to 2011. I was 21 then and doing my engineering. I was going through a difficult phase ranging from failure, fear of the future to emotional turbulence. I was constantly worried about how I will get a job or what I was going to do after my graduation. The fear of failure manifested, and I lost a year in college. As a result, I got the opportunity to work as a part-time salesperson and a meaning to life.
One of my colleagues introduced me to The Secret Movie and the Law of Attraction.
I saw the benefit and instantly practiced it and manifested many dreams. I completed my graduation, got a good job, and made easy sales.
But, afterward, I stopped manifesting. These made me learn and research more about the Law of attraction. I understood that the Law of attraction is deeper than what was shown in the Secret Movie. It is not just about the manifesting rituals.
I started to invest a majority of the money I earned into courses, books, and taking risks that will take me closer to manifesting my dreams. I invested in various programs of Joe Vitale and Bob Proctor.
I was always good at helping others. I always go the extra mile to help others. The reason was, I considered myself a slow learner and I always thought that I needed help in the beginning. I was lucky to find a few good people who helped me. Especially, my first boss when I was working part-time. Not only was he a good leader, but he was also a good trainer. I always liked the way he trained and was inspired by it. Deep inside, I wanted to be a trainer and help others.
I used to help all my colleagues, especially new joiners from my colleagues and managers. I was good with product training, understanding, and using the systems. Many, including my bosses, encouraged me to become a trainer.
But I was not interested in being a trainer. I always had a dream to be an entrepreneur.
I come from a middle-class background, and none of my parents or grandparents were business owners. I had no clue about Entrepreneurship. But the Law of Attraction showed me the path.
So, I learned Digital Marketing. In 2018, I started the Being Positive Soul Facebook page and website to implement and learn more about Digital Marketing in my free time besides working in my regular sales job.
I was not ready to leave my job and work full time on my business even though my mind was only on my entrepreneurship dream. There was no passion left for my job, and I was dragging myself to work.
But when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. The Universe has its own way.
Out of the blue, I had a big argument with my boss in 2019 and quit my job immediately. I was getting quite good offers, including from my former bosses.
But the universe had other plans, and I decided to become a full-time entrepreneur.
I did not know how I was going to do it, and still, something told me that this was what my life will be. That’s exactly how the law of attraction helps.
Every step I took and didn’t take was because of this dream.
In July 2020, I had approached one of my friends who was a motivational trainer cum life coach for the Digital Marketing Project. He agreed initially, and I designed the program for him. But he backed out due to financial issues. I was shocked. I invested my time and money in creating the course. So, I decided to launch and teach the program myself. That was the big turning point in my life. Before that, I was helping students who contacted me on my FB page.
The reason I wanted to tell this story is this:- When your “Why” and “What” is clear, your “How” and “When” will take care of themselves.
Ten years ago, when I had no direction in life, I had no idea that I would be training people. Then I had no skills, talent, and ability I have right now.
But the passion for living my dream made me risk lakhs of money in learning the law of attraction from world-class coaches.
Those years I spent learning, researching, and experimenting with the Law of Attraction for myself are helping me to serve others manifest their dreams.
The dots always connect, even if it is not clear in the present. I am a living example.
Let me know what you think of my life story.
Rajesh “Dots Always Connect” Nair

Our Mission
Create a positive thinking society that dreams. As Dreams are the seedlings of realities and dreamers are the saviors of the world. A society that not only dreams but achieves it, irrespective of the circumstances. A society that rises up against all odds, and realizes the creative power. Make everyone believe, that the power to shapes our future is in ourselves; it is our very self.

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