
Manage Your Time & Achieve Your Success

Managing your time is an art and science. Time is an asset. Everyone gets equal time. It’s up to us how we use it.

I have been conducting courses for more than a year. 5- Days Super Visualization  Program and 30 Days Design Your Destiny Program.

A common reason students for not completing the Super Visualization Program during the course duration is lack of time. After a month or two, students contact me to start the course again and, I add them to the ongoing WhatsApp group.

Making time for ourselves should be our number 1 goal. Managing time is our personal responsibility.

Read the stories of all successful people irrespective of their field. One common factor is that they take time for their personal growth. Whether it is training, rehearsing,  reading books, meditating, workout, learning, or attending sessions.

In the past, even I was guilty of doing things only when I get time. Time Management is a habit and a good habit that gives wonderful results.

Everything you have to do requires time, and the better you manage your time, the more you will accomplish.

“Those who save money and those who make time always get ahead.”

Manage time using Digital Wellbeing

Digital Wellbeing tool is a handy app by Google on your android to track your digital habits. I have found it easier to manage my time with this app. Its an inbuilt app on your android smartphone. You can browse your phone setting and check it out.

Use this App

  • To track how frequently you use your smartphone and how many hours you spend on smartphone.
  • Reduce your screen time on unnecessary apps and make time for yourself.
  • How many notifications do you receive? ( Its 11 am and today I have received 127 notifications)
  • How often do you check your phone or unlock your device( 19 times I have unlocked till 11 am today)

The most important thing that you can instill in your life is balance. Find time within your schedule to continue growing and developing.


Affirmations for Time management.


  • am well organized and highly productive.
  • am an excellent time manager.
  • always complete projects on time.
  • plan my time carefully in advance.

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